

Your privacy is very important to us. We will protect your personal information at all times and use it only in accordance with our privacy policy. The information we collect:

Personal Information:

We only collect the information when you Sumbit the Enquiry Form or when you call and share the information with us. However, you are not forced to share your information if you don’t wish to.

Other Information:

When you visit our site, our server automatically logs information that does not reveal your personal identity. But our server captures basic information like IP address of the device, date & time of your visit, pages you have visited and browser you are using.

How we use your information:

We use cookies to monitor your behavior on our website. We do this to understand and improve our webpage experience to users. We do not share or sell your information.

Changes to this policy:

If our policy information practices change, we will update the policy changes on this page of our website. If you are concerned about how your information is used, check this policy periodically.

Note, if you have any questions regarding the policy, please feel free to reach us at mohdjamaal@jantacooler.in.